![]() Many children growing up in Bangkok are bilingual, meaning they are exposed to more than one language. This post addresses some common questions and misconceptions about bilingualism, to further guide parents and educators about this topic. What does Bilingual mean? Bilingualism can look like many different things. Below are some examples:
Does Bilingualism cause language delay? No, learning two languages simultaneously does not cause confusion or language delay (1). In fact, in contrast to this common misconception, only speaking English to your child when it is not the parents’ native language can make it harder for the child to learn any language well, as the quality and quantity of language exposure is limited. This means that multilingual families should speak to their child in the language in which they feel the most comfortable and fluent in. Is it a Language Disorder? Or Language Difference? Language Disorder refers to difficulty in learning, understanding and expressing in any language. This means the child shows delay or atypical language development compared to the expected level of their age, even in their mother tongue or first language. Language Difference is when a child is developing as typically expected in their native language, however, they are having difficulties learning a second language. For example, difficulty with English used for instructions at school or with the language used by the greater population in the area where they live. Does my child need Speech Therapy? If you suspect language delay in your bilingual child, the first step is to consult with a Speech Language Therapist, who can conduct a Speech Language Evaluation, ideally in your child’s first language. Bilingual Speech Therapists can deliver therapy in your child’s native language, which can promote development in both languages. This article was written by guest writer, Siu Wai Wong (Mr. Leon), a bilingual Speech Language Pathologist. He has also translated the article into Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese languages below. Speak soon, The Expat Speechie Reference: 1. Paradis, J., Genesee, F., & Crago, M. (2011). Dual Language Development and Disorders: A handbook on bilingualism & second language learning. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing. --- 中英文雙語言語治療 許多在曼谷長大,或在泰國接受教育的小朋友都會接觸到多種語言,我們稱他們為雙語兒童。以言語治療師的觀點,以下將探討家長和教育工作者對於雙語兒童常見的疑問。 什麼是「雙語兒童」?
會因為學雙語而「造成語言障礙」嗎? 根據目前各種研究顯示:當孩子同時學習兩種語言以上時,並不會有直接的負面影響。但家長要留意,倘若家長對英語的掌握只是一般的水平,孩子從家長身上模仿也只是簡單表面的詞彙、句子結構,未能達到靈活運用的效果,反之,孩子接觸及練習母語的機會亦相對減低,因而影響母語的學習進度。只要父母或照顧者使用自己本身最舒服並且擅長的語言,孩子都能夠自然而然地吸收進而運用。 區分「語言障礙」和「語言差異」
我的子女需要接受言語治療嗎? 如果您的雙語子女在語言方面有明顯且持續的困難,請安排與雙語言語治療師使用孩子母語或雙語進行發音和語言評估。治療師會根據評估結果診斷孩子是否語言發展遲緩,提供相對的雙語訓練與治療。 引用: 1. http://scrc.com.tw/?p=1813 --- 中英文双语言治疗 很多在曼谷长大,或在泰国接受教育的小朋友都会接触到多过一种语言,我们称他们为双语儿童。以语言治疗师的观点,以下将探讨家长和教育工作者对于双语儿童常见的疑问。 什么是「双语儿童」?
会因为学双语而「造成语言障碍」吗? 根据目前各种研究显示:当孩子同时学习两种语言以上时,并不会有直接的负面影响。但家长要留意,倘若家长对英语的掌握只是一般的水平,孩子从家长身上模仿也只是简单表面的词汇、句子结构,未能达到灵活运用的效果,反之,孩子接触及练习母语的机会亦相对减低,因而影响母语的学习进度。只要父母或照顾者使用自己本身最舒服并且擅长的语言,孩子都能够自然而然地吸收进而运用。 区分「语言障碍」和「语言差异」
我的子女需要接受语言治疗吗? 如果您的双语子女在语言方面有明显且持续的困难,请安排与双语语言治疗师使用孩子母语或双语进行发音和语言评估。治疗师会根据评估结果诊断孩子是否语言发展迟缓,提供相对的双语训练与治疗。 引用:1. https://m.ourbethel.cn/lists/details/pid/1/id/646c5bf4b679782805b85c4c Comments are closed.
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